JET Vedic Examinations – 2017 will be conducted by JIVA (Jeeyar Integrated Vedic Academy) in JIVA Campus, Sriramnagar, Shamshabad from 18-07-2017 to 20-07-2017. Exams will be held in Rugvedam, Yajurvedam, Samavedam, Attharvanavedam, Agamam and Prabhandam.
18.07.2017(Tuesday) – Rugvedam, Shukla Yajurvedam, Mythrayaniya Yajurvedam
19.7.2017(Wednesday) – Krishnayajurvedam, Sriparchirathragam
20.07.2017(Thursday) – Samavedam(Kouthuma Shaka), Atharva Vedam(Shounaka Shaka), Divya Prabandam.
To apply for the examination please download the form from the below attached link.