In the year named, Nala – the 93rd year after Kali Yuga started, a little girl was found in tulasi garden to Vishnu Chittha, also called Peri Alwar in Sri Villiputthur, Tamil Nadu. She was brought up with stories of Sri Krushna and his devotees heart-fully narrated by her father. Sri Krushna stayed on this Earth in the near ends of Dwapara Yuga, the yuga right before current Kali Yuga. And hence, she was deeply attached to all the stories.
Her father himself used to imagine his daughter to be Krushna and him to be Yashoda. They both spent every minute in the thoughts of God while carrying on their normal routine of serving in temple.
She proved and showed to us that we can see God in the deity, reach him through the deity. Her belief in God was flawless and beyond comprehension for normal people. She became one with God and now stands as deity next to God indicating to all of us that HE is accessible.
She has blessed us with two great scriptures, Thiruppavai and Nacchiyar Thiruvaymuji.
She has promised God that she will give HIM porridge if he accepts her services. She told him that others leave as their wishes come true. But, it is better with her. HE not only gets to have yummy porridge but also gets to happily receive her service. This beautiful ‘Bhakthi‘ in her is so sweet and deep that God himself came down in receiving her hand in wedding.
Her compassion towards all of us is clear in her songs where she explains the Vedic truths that alleviate people from temporary bondage and suffering.
This day is being celebrated as a great day for thousands of years now. Imagine the strength of her devotion towards God and her compassion towards all of us! Let us seek her blessings and move in the path laid by her.
– From the discourse of Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami
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