Mighty Hanuman bridged distance between Rama and His happiness, Mother Sitha. He is a chiranjeevi, one who is alive in the same form at all times. His greatness is described by Valmiki Maharshi in Kishkinda Kanda of Sri Ramayana.
         Let’s take support of the same Hanuman to bridge distance between ourselves and our abilities. These abilities that will make us immune to any kind of viruses, not just covid-19!

What is the process?

         It’s nothing complicated.


Is it 6:30am IST? What time should I be chanting if I live in other parts of the world?

Ans: Please perform this at 6:30am your local time.

What should women do during their monthly cycle in this 50-day duration ?

Ans: Please ask one of your friends or family members to do this on behalf of you for the three to four days of the cycle time and resume later.

Are there any food restrictions ?

Ans: Try to keep up all the normal do’s and don’ts that are always recommended. You don’t need to try for any new eligibilities or give up already following recommendations.

How can I motivate others to participate?

Ans: You don’t need to do anything additional to motivate others. Be sincere and devoted to what you are practising, others will get motivated sooner or later.


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