A lot of the times, it is one’s thoughts that can ruin life. When one’s thoughts are not supported by proper knowledge, the consequences become undesirable. Not only for the doer, but also for their fellow-beings and nature.
What is a contaminated thought?
Every soul is by default knowledgeable and blissful like a lamp in a clear shade. So, there should not be any room for contaminated thoughts (darkness). However, as time passed on, we covered our knowledge with a layer of ‘other things’ that blocked the knowledge leading to contaminated thoughts. A contaminated thought is the thought that is based on improper and incomplete knowledge. These thoughts lead us to making wrong choices/wrong decisions.
Complete knowledge is of five-fold: who are we? who is God? what’s our ultimate goal? who can help us attain our ultimate goal? and what blocks us from reaching our goal? After knowing these, the most important consequence is to realize how we should lead life while we are here on the earth.
Attaining comprehensive understanding of the five-fold knowledge, believing in it and consequently leading life in the right way purifies our thoughts gradually…
What does Bhagavad Gi:tha say about the right way to lead life?
Krushna explains the cycle of existence, revealing our role in it. Our role is to understand where we fit into the cycle and lead life as yajna. Leading life as yajna is the right way to live for not just your well-being but for the entire world as you are part of a whole.
anna:th bha:vanthi bhu:tha:ni
parjanya:d anna sambhvaha |
yajna:th bha:vathi parjanyo:
yajnah karma samudbhavaha ||
karma brahmo:dbhavam viddhi
brahma:kshara samudbhavam |
thasma:th sarvagatham bramha
nithyam yajne: prathishttitham ||
Yajna is yaj de:va pu:ja:ya:m. It is an act of worshiping the divine supreme through de:vathas. De:vathas are forces of nature like water, air, fire, trees, all flora, fauna, and all other beings in nature that are supporting our existence directly or indirectly. Yajna does not necessarily mean a ritual done by a priest with a homa kund, and mantras.
Since God indwells every body, your own body is a mobile temple and so are the bodies of the rest of the souls. Thus, anything and everything you do is an act of serving the divine supreme. Supported by this knowledge, all your thoughts get purified and the resulting actions can never hurt anyone else or any other being.
Your body is a micro-form to observe how different parts with different names and different functions work together without disturbing the other. The universe is a macro-form of God where we are all different parts with different names and different purposes made to work together for a beautiful working creation.
What happens if I don’t abide by this knowledge?
While the choice is left to you, it’s important to know why God and the sages shared such knowledge for the sake of all of us.
durlabho: ma:nusho: de:haha de:hina:m
thathra:pi durlabham manye: vaikunta priya darsanam
Being given a human body is not common, considering 8.4 million species of living beings with that many varieties of bodies. On top of it, among all human beings, it’s rare to find one who is interested and focused on ‘seeing’ God.
Upanishads say…
iha che:da ve:di:th adha satyamasthi
nache:diha: ve:di:th mahathi: vinashtihi
Don’t underestimate the value of the human body. Don’t underestimate your desire to live right as prescribed by Lord and the words of sages. It is a chance, an ultimate chance. Utilise it well and you will attain the highest benefit. Don’t utlise it and you will see the gravest fall.
A contaminated thought makes you miss out on the rarest chance of utilizing human birth. Support your thoughts with proper knowledge from the right sources and do your part in the holistic well-being of God’s creation.
– From the discourses of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– 8th Dec 2023, Bhagavad Githa Mega Convention
– Bramha Kumaris OmSanthi retreat center
-Gurugram, Delhi
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