Each one of us is an a:thma, soul with a sari:ra, body. Soul is the che:thana, the conscious aspect of life that is referred to by ‘I’. Every part of the body works for the soul. Every part of the body lives for the soul. Every part of the body tries to protect the existence of the soul in the body. The soul ‘I’ likes its body the most and it also tries to protect it and wants to make sure it stays healthy.
When such a relation exists between two entities, that relation is named as sari:ra sari:ri bha:va sambandha, body-soul relationship.
e:vame:va rakshathe: bhagava:n vishnuhu bhaktha:n a:thma sari:ravath
Devotees surrendering to God are His soul and they ‘protect’ Him…
-Vishnu Dharmo:tharam,-Bruhadaranya upanishath
They ‘protect’ Him through ensuring a continued a:cha:rya parampara, the lineage of teaching practitioners, exists. That lineage educates the world about knowledge of God and eternal realities dispelling ignorance, practice stringent rules and regulations to stay qualified and suitable path-bearers. They dedicate their energy, time and everything towards their ‘body’, God.
Ramanujacharya is the maha:nubha:va revered not just by those who learnt from him but also his by his teachers. He enlightened the seekers about the body-soul relationship affirming that everyone is equally eligible for that relation with God irrespective of caste, religion, gender, region, and any other factor.
He stood as a prominent path-bearer of the lineage for Visista advaitha sampradaya. He is considered as the incarnation of A:dise:sha, the eternally-serving-serpent-soul of Lord in paramapadam, an abode for souls who serve God without any limitations of karma.
Sri Swaminarayan samprada:ya is spreading right knowledge to all the seekers across the world tied to their roots at Vishista advaitha sampradaya.
Sri Swaminarayan’s center at Salangpur takes inspiration from Kastabanjan dev, Hanuman ji who was praised by Rama and Ravan for how flawlessly he spoke, for the great wisdom he has. A lot more devotees are inspired by Hanuman because he is the bridge between Lord (Rama) and the soul (mother Sitha).
May Hanuman bless the a:cha:rya parampara for strength and buddhi to continually share with the world the knowledge of God. It is this ultimate knowledge of three eternal realities, soul-God-nature that can ultimately bestow peace and bliss to anyone in despair.
– From the discourses of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– Salangpur, Gujarath, 18th Nov 2023
– 175 years celebration of…
– Swaminarayan’s Kastabhanjan Dev temple
Swamiji expressed that it gave Him immense joy to see the sa:dhu, santh sampada, the wealth of good people who are dedicating their lives for spreading the glory of God. He extended heart-felt welcome to a:char:ya sree Rakesh Prasad ji with all his teams to grace their presence at the Statue of Equality during Samatha Kumbh 2024.
Jai Srimmanarayana Adiyen Ramanuja Dasini 🙇♀️