HH Devanatha Jeeyar Swamiji and HH Ahobila Jeeyar Swamiji have been touring through various districts within Telangana and spreading the divine message of Sri Ramanujacharya. The message is so powerful that it can remove several hardships faced by individuals and societies today. Knowing the true nature of oneself, and the universal bond that exists with each other can take away the internal enemies such as jealousy, anger and bring about harmony. Ramanujacharya’s message is ultimate and very comprehensive.
Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji is working round the clock to bring such a positive change in the society by spreading the message of Ramanujacharya. Devantha Jeeyar Swamiji and Ahobila Jeeyar Swamiji are walking in the footsteps of Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji to spread the same. The events at Suryapet and other districts are part of this humongous and auspicious efforts. The events conducted at various districts have been a grand success. The beloved spiritual leaders were welcomed and received with a very positive and enthusiastic response from the crowds.