Every one of us have grown from a baby to toddler, toddler to teens, teens to twenties, twenties to thirties, and on. As a teenager, parents prepare us for next decade by sharing their experiences on how important it is to study well, learn good practises etc. As an adult, we prepare ourselves for old age by saving some money to face any challenges in health. What about after exiting the current body? What kind of preparation is necessary for a better state?

Some people say, there is nothing called ‘you’ after the death and so don’t worry about anything. Some people say, soul is permanent – it will take its natural course of picking another body and life continues. And therefore, don’t worry about anything.

Unfortunately, the above two ideas are equivalent to telling your teenager – don’t worry about anything, just do what you feel like now and you can figure out later when times comes! Would any true parent be okay with that path for his children? Parents who wish good for their children inculcate good practices as the impact of surroundings is very intense. Just like the impact of prakruthi acts on us in different forms – beginning with wide variety of colourful physical attractions to things that torture our heart when jealous, anger etc take over our natural state.

The current body we have is limited by what it is capable of. Acharyas recommend us to prepare for a superior state, just like we prepare our children for a better state in the upcoming years.

It is said that, when one knows Bramha while one is in the current body, he/she will attain Bramha. When you read the statement carefully, you might ponder on three questions.

Who is Bramha? What does it mean to know Bramha? What does it mean to attain Bramha? Let’s briefly look at what scriptures say on each of these questions.

Who is Bramha?

Bramha is the Supreme who can make anyone also as supreme as Himself. He has three great qualities: Satyam, Jna:nam and Anantham

(Note: Bramha, the Supreme is not to be confused with the chaturmukha Bramhaa. Chaturmukha Bramhaa is one among the souls like us – however the duty of Chaturmukha Bramha was to give bodies to souls using the material provided by Bramha)

Satyam (changeless state): We all are aware of one of the recent famous statements, ‘change is constant’! But, this quality of God, ‘Satyam’ represents that which doesn’t change. We(souls) also don’t go through any change in our form, but our jna:na gets covered due to arrogance, unlike God.

Jna:nam (knowledge that is under your command): This quality of God says that the knowledge is supreme, stable and in His control. Our knowledge is unstable and is not in our control.

Anantham (one that is unlimited): This quality of God says that He is not limited by location, object, or time. We are not capable of existing in multiple places at the same time. We are also not capable of travelling back in time. Only God can give you the power to let your knowledge also work across space and time.

What does it mean to know Bramha?

To know Bramha is to know that God (with such great qualities) who exists in Parama vyoma / Parama padam also exists in our hrudaya guha, deep inside our hearts! It’s only up to us to realise this and respond accordingly.

What does it mean to attain Bramha?

To attain Bramha is to relish such qualities of God and enjoy an inseparable joyful state with Him. When one attains Bramha, ‘Sarvendriya tarpanam’ happens – i.e: a state where every sense organ or everything perceivable becomes immensely joyful to the soul because of his absolutely magnificent qualities.

Our acharyas recommend us to be prepared for this state. This readiness begins with knowing about that superior state. It continues with slowly tuning our thoughts, actions, words and surroundings accordingly. Shall we get ready?

Sri Krushna literally gave the experience of such state to all the gopalas and gopikas. He asked for a potluck lunch from all of them and began to feed and eat from each other. The exchange of laughs, love in the session is regarded as the Bramhanandam in Srimad Bhagavatham! Each one of them together shared the qualities of Krushna – the tender skin, the magical eyes, the mesmerising voice, the unparalleled love, the great valour, the captivating glow, the matchless beauty and more !

– From the discourse of Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji (Morning session, Dhanurmasam – 12th Jan 2018)