Netra Vidyalaya students-prize winners of Osmania University

Netra Vidyalaya Blind students and prize winners of Osmania University Inter-Collegiate Cultural Competitions, 2016, receiving prizes and certificates from Honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. S Ramachandram, in the University auditorium, Osmania University Campus on 6th February, 2017. Prize winners were Kum.

World Braille Day Celebrations

With the graceful presence and mangalasanams of HH Tridandi Devanatha Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji a Walkathon has been conducted by Netra Vidyalaya Jr & Degree College from Champapet Pochamma Temple to Green Park Colony, Sri Venkateshwara Temple on 4th January 2017

Ravirala Asram Children Visit JIVA Asram

On 28th May 2015 Ravirala asramam children visited Jiva asramam. They chanted Bhagavad Githa slokas, Guru prarthana slokams etc before HH in the temple. HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji  talked to the children and appreciated the teachers for teaching good values to the