The Must-see Mirror

We must keep our eyes open to see the glowing light. We must keep our manas ‘open’ to ‘see’ the indwelling God. However, do we know where the manas is and what it means to keep it open? We

Swami Nammalwar’s Message

If one understands and implements Swami Nammalwar’s message in life, one will not be affected by the ill impact of kali yuga - the miseries resulting from ego, selfishness, jealousy, anger, narrow-mindedness, bad intentions, lack of focus on the purpose

What should I do to see God?

What did Arjuna do to see God’s viswaru:p, the magnificent universal form? Did he chant or study Vedas? Did he perform severe penance? Did he donate a lot? Did he worship or perform

Who is a Sadhu?

This is an important question we must ponder on and get the answer right. Sadhus form the base of a critical task, keeping all of us safe and happy. Let’s therefore try to know who these sadhus are and