Lord Krishna, the conqueror of Manmadha

Manmadha is personified desire, especially related to sensual pleasure. Madhanam in Sanskrit means ‘to churn’, example: churning of curd is dadi madhanam, churning of ocean is saagara madhanam. The personified desire, manmadha churns our manas (man madhanam). 

Guidance for Successful Meditation

Meditation has gained significant importance recently within various institutions and affinity groups. It is known as a means to improve concentration, feel inner peace and express outer joy.  To attain the best from this practice, we must check if the

Two Wicks in a Diya

Have you ever wondered why we light deepam with two wicks? Why do we use oil? Do you also wonder about the purpose of this “old-fashioned” process when electric lights are available in various beautiful forms and colours?

Hanuman, a Symbol of Humility

Sugriva ordered all his forces, “return within one month; otherwise, you will be punished by execution. However, if you find where Sitha Devi is, you will be rewarded greatly regardless of how long it takes.” 

Vedas versus Logic

Very long ago, there was an American president who needed to travel by sea for an extended period of time. He preferred being a vegetarian. During the travel, he managed to eat vegetarian food for the first couple of