Tenali Kids Set An Example !!

Tenali, 25/01/2017 Students of Viveka School, Tenali set an example for all the children in not only in Tenali but all over the world. The young kids have expanded their hearts with compassion and are expressing their concern for the

Vedic Exams

Jeeyar Educational Trust Vedic University concluded its annual Vedic exams on 29th July, 2016. The three day exams which started on 27th July were attended by Vedic students from various states. A total of  students attended the exam. HH

HH Swamiji inaugurated TSR English medium school

HH Swamiji inaugurated TSR English medium school To bring about a change in society, one needs to have awareness which comes through education. And education is the only weapon which has the power of eradicating darkness from the minds of