In the fierce battle between Rama and Ravana, Rama ultimately defeated Ravana. As soon as Ravana was slain, the devathas, who serve as the Supreme Lord’s administration, appeared and bowed to Rama, for His monumental achievement. It was the devathas who had requested the Supreme Lord to take ‘birth’ as human being to defeat Ravana. They informed Him that His mission was complete and that He could now return to His divine abode, Sri Vaikuntham. Along with the devathas, Lord Shiva was present to congratulate and honor Rama.
Rama was uncertain about his next steps. Sensing his dilemma, Lord Shiva offered profound advice. Before we explore Shiva’s guidance, let’s first see how Sage Valmiki described Shiva in Srimad Ramayana…
Sage Valimiki says…
shadardha nayana sri:ma:n
shadardha means half of 6, i.e. 3
nayan means eyes
sri:ma:n means one possessing wealth; wealthy

What wealth is Valimiki referring to that Shiv ji has?
Valmiki is referring to the wealth of knowledge. It is said..
aro:gyam bha:skara:dicche:d dhanamicche:th hutha:sana:th
i:shwara: jna:namicche:n mo:kshamicche:th jana:rdhana:th
The great advice that Shiva gave to Sri Ram is a result of the wealth of knowledge that I:shwara, i.e Shiva has.
What is the advice that Shiva gave to Sri Ram?
While the devathas told Rama He could return to Sri Vaikuntha, Shiva advised Him to go back to Ayodhya. He said, “Rama, we would be pleased if You returned, but Bharata, the mothers and everyone in Ayodhya are waiting for You. Comfort them and bless them with Your presence. Your incarnation was not just to defeat evil, but to uplift the good.”
Shiva knew the right advice and the right moment to offer it, which is why he is called Sri:ma:n.
The art of sharing involves knowing what, when, why, how, and with whom to share.
For example, if someone asks you for money to buy alcohol or something that is not healthy, would you share it with them? Or if someone seeks your help to deceive another, would you offer your time or energy?
True mastery of sharing reflects mastery of knowledge and wisdom—and Shiva’s advice to Rama is a perfect example. Rama recognized it as the right guidance and acted accordingly. In life, we encounter many who offer advice, but it’s essential to have the wisdom to discern what’s truly valuable. Let’s strive receive the right guidance with wisdom and clarity.
-From the divine address of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– 27th Nov 2024
– Lokamany Tilak Higher Secondary School, Ujjain
You are all the students of Lokamanya Thilak Higher Secondary school. The name of your school reflects that you should aim to gain respect from everyone. One will be respected only when they master the art of sharing that is fuelled by right knowledge. Study well so you can share what you know and have with others so there is collective growth of the society.
Jai Srimannarayana