A mother’s good-hearted blessings for her child come true. This is not only believed but also proven.
Mother Sumithra said to Lakshmana…
srushtasthvam vanava:sa:ya svanuraktha suhrudjane
ra:me: prama:dam ma:ka:rshe:hi puthra! bhra:thari gacchathi
Rama is going to the forests because Kaikeyi wished for it. You need to go to the forests because it is for that reason I gave you birth. Go along with Rama. When you serve Him, do it with svanuraktha, love and dedication. Be careful not to get carried away by his mesmerizing beauty and compromise in serving Him.
When Rama asked Lakshmana why he wants to go with him to the forests, he said..
bhava:nsthu saha vaide:hya
giri sa:nushu ramsyathe:
aham sarvam karishya:mi
ja:gruthuha svapathascha tthe:
When You and mother Sitha are in the forests, I will serve you with everything both during the day and the night times.
Mother Kaikeyi wished Bharatha to be the king of Ayodhya. However, her wish and the blessings were not backed by a good-heart. A good-hearted blessing is that which prepares one to properly own the responsibility of dharma rakshana and/or desa rakshana, not that which prepares one for one’s own selfish desires.
Mother Sumithra prepared and blessed her son Lakshamana to serve Rama who is the embodiment of dharma, righteous practices. She prepared and blessed her second son Shathrugna to serve Bharatha who carried out desa rakshana, protecting/serving the kingdom, as ordered by Rama.
Surpanaka introduced herself to Rama as her being the sister of three brothers…
ra:vano:na:ma me bhra:tha bali:ya:n ra:kshase:svaraha
kumbhakarnaha sada: nidraha
vibhi:shanasthu dharma:thma nathu ra:kshasa che:shtithaha
She felt embarrassed to associate herself with Vibhi:shana but felt proud to introduce herself as a sister of Ra:vana!
It’s essential to know that preserving a nation’s natural existence is dependent on how well its people practice their dharma. Vedic wisdom is the backbone of all the know-how of dharma. When a mother or any woman knows what dharma is, she will bestow good-hearted blessings to the entire family for safeguarding the principles of dharma and borders of desa from its traitors.
Every mother and a woman must retrospect whether she is of the nature of Sumithra, Kaikeyi or Surpanaka…
– From the discourse of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– Viswa Mangalya Sabha Annual Meeting
– 30th Sep 2023, JIVA.
All the members of Viswa Mangalya Sabha who gathered for their Akhila Bharatha All India Annual Meeting were inspired by the divine guidance and message from HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji supported by the rich ancient history.
Jai Srimannarayana! Wonderful article…
I’d also like to know where would we get all the above posted pictures from Ramayanam. Is there any book that contains Ramayanam with these pictures? Thank You
Jai Srimannarayana, The posted pictures are from an artist devotee and are submissions to the asramam. There is no book at the moment. Appreciate the interest and we will take it to the respective teams.
-Team acharya
On Asmadgurubhyonamaha💕👌🙏🌈🙏👌💕