Did you ever feel like life is going in a different direction than intended? Is that because the wheels of your life are taking your life chariot in a different direction? Or is the driver of the your life chariot not clear about the direction you need to take?
Who must be driving the life chariot to take you to the final destination?
rathastham ke:savam drushtva:
punarjanma na vidyathe:
Sari:ra (human body) is the chariot…
…its wheels are the pa:pa (sins) and punya (virtues) from the past
…it is pulled in directions by horses called the indriyas (senses)
…the movements and direction of the horses (senses) are handled by a bridle called the manas (mind)
…the bridle (manas) is in the hands of a driver/leader called the buddhi, intellect
If this life chariot is lead by God, then your journey through this human body will be peaceful. That is why, surrender your buddhi to God.
What does it mean to surrender buddhi to God?
Do I stop using it and wait for God to somehow make decisions for me?
To surrender buddhi to God is to not let it be influenced by your preconceived thoughts. The preconceived thoughts are driven by past karma (records of actions from past). Instead, let your buddhi be guided by the advise from the Elders (the devoted pure souls). By doing so, you are not letting your own past karma or samskaras misguide you for the ultimate goal of serving God.
When life is led in service of God, all other goals that you want to attain are all easily attainable. How so?! Doesn’t a 100 rupee note have all the lower note values such as 1, 5, 10, 99 etc embedded in its value? Why struggle for the lower denominations when the superior note is with you?

– From the discourse of HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– 13thMay 2022, Ratho:thsvam, Divya Saketham
– 13th Bramhotsavam of
– Divya Saketham, the divine abode of
– Sri Raghunatha, Ranganatha and Paramapada natha
– The 3-tier astha:nga vimana a:layam at JIVA asram