6 branches of Vedas – Krushna Yajur Veda, Sukla Yajur Veda, Maithraini Sakha, Rug Veda, Sama Veda and Attharva Veda are taught. Duration to complete the course is 10 years.
Pancharathra Agama – Aradhana, Uthsavams, Prathistta, Yajaas, Research etc are part of curriculum. Duration to complete the course is 8 years.
Vedantha – Includes Upanishads, ashta dasa rahasya grantthas, Gita, Works of Bhagawad Ramanuja, etc are taught in this course. Duration of the course is 12 years.
Sanskrit and Telugu languages are taught.
JIVA Gurukulam is recognized institution by Government of Andhra Pradesh. Students are trained in CBSE subjects – English, Science, Social, Math etc and appear for 10th grade exams. Higher studies are also being planed.
Students are trained in the conventional method in gurukulam style as was followed by our grand lineages till today.
Vedic Practices such as Sandhya Vandanam thrice a day and sacred fire (Agnika:ryam) twice a day are performed by all the students.
Yo:ga:bhya:sam, stho:thra:s and Prabandha:s etc., are part of curriculum.