The question sounds very basic. But, let’s take a few minutes to examine. These few minutes can keep you away from many dangers! We will begin with ozone layer depletion and how humanity relates to it.
Ozone layer has depleted to a level that a continent as big as Australia can fit through the breach. The amount of UVB radiation reaching the Earth’s surface has gone up significantly. This is the reason for several skin disorders including skin cancer.
The immediate response from any science student for ozone layer depletion is: excessive release of heat and harmful gases into the atmosphere from industries. That’s correct. What is the reason for the release of such substances? We could say industrialization. What is the cause of industrialization? We could say the “need” to produce more. This is where we must pause and pay attention to the word “need”.
Is it really need or greed?
The desire to produce surplus comes from greed to earn more from one unit of land (by use of fertilizers in farming), or one unit of water (through hydro-electric projects), or one unit of fauna (turning birds like hens to machines to produce only eggs, injecting animals like cows for more milk).
By consuming all the polluted production, we are losing our natural strengths and seeding in something that is not humane. We become less human. What we eat is what we become. As we lose humanity, we lose the ability to think right and make worse decisions, resulting in further damage to the ecosystem. This becomes a vicious cycle. Lack of humane qualities in us is the cause of ozone depletion and all other disturbances in nature.
Ultimate result is a weakened ecosystem which we are also part of. Weakness in human beings simply translates to lower immunity, loss of core inner ability to handle external influences at various levels – emotionally, physically and more. This is the core cause of any suffering – cancer or corona! Cancer causing agents, or corona viruses will stay around just like many other organisms in this universe. But, if you don’t want to be impacted by it – then there is one thing you must do! Be a true human being by leading life like a Yajna!
What does it mean to lead life like a Yajna?
Interestingly, today is the star of Makha (meaning: Yajna). It reminds us to learn what it means lead life like a yajna.
Ask yourself this question: “Is my activity directly or indirectly disrespecting nature and its system?” One of the instructions from God in Bhagavad Githa clearly states how we must live in unison with nature for peaceful coexistence.
sri: bhagavan uva:cha
deva:n bha:vayatha:ne:na
the: de:va: bha:vayanthu vaha |
parasparam bha:vayanthaha
sre:yah param ava:psyattha ||
– Bhagavad Githa , 3 rd Chapter, 11 th sloka
To lead a life like a yajna, we must accept that we are not powerful than other beings on this Earth (less than 3 to 5 grams of coronavirus is scaring all human beings). We must respect the divine powers, the Earth, water, air, fire, sky, and all other unseen powers that are indirectly supporting our existence.
We must learn to keep our desires in the limit. We must learn to utilize our knowledge and skills morally for meaningful purposes. We must not degrade or insult ourselves by making ourselves less human!
If we want to protect ourselves from becoming less human, we must idolize someone who is the model of a perfect human being. He is none other than Sri Rama Chandra!
Following the path paved by Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji who chanted Sri Ramayana every 27 days for 9 full years, let us all also chant Sri Ramayana from Punarvasu star of Ashwija Masam to Punarvasu star of Karthika Masam. Let us all also write the Sri Rama Nama on the veins of our arm so it cleanses our thoughts, words, and finally all the activities we do!
We are all born Human Beings and we must remain Human Beings till the end!
– From the discourse of Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– 19 th August 2020, Last day of Sravana Masam,
– Mahapurnahuthi of Lakshmi Narayana Havan, Sudarshana Havan
– Nadigaddepalem, Vasudeva Asram, Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji Brundavan
We need good governance/Ram Rajjam in India to defeat all the evils. Otherwise who can control persons doing food adulteration, corruptions and evils. Many would like to get profits on daily basis like earning more money, powers at the cost of dharma and moksha. If one stands for dharma, not gaining any immediate benefits, is the feeling of all most all. Selfish interests are taking priority. Swamiji, reform every student and their parents in Telangana and India and the world to follow Sri Rama, high standards of sacred dharma, taking the assistance of powerful leaders in government and the society.… Read more »
Jaisrimannarayana. Swamigariki aneka aneka dasohamulu. Prthahasmraneyam ,sri ramanujagyadyam, sri Ranga gadyam and sri vykunta gadyam chanting everyday in bramhimurtham with swamiji enlighten enrich newlife eliminating all unwanted desires unwanted thoughts . Swamivariki marokkasari sashtanga punaha punaha pranamamulu..
Asmath gurbhyonamah.
Excellent presentation