HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji: Why is incense offered to God?
A student: To allow God to experience the fragrance…
HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji: Is that true? Does God, the source of fragrance, color, texture, form, and all other attributes of every object, need to or desire to experience them in the same way we do? No, not necessarily! Then why do we offer them to God?
Dhupam (incense), deepam (lighted oil lamps of cotton wicks), and aachamanam (water), are offered in that order.
dhupam aaghrapayaami
deepam sandarsayami
suddha aachamaneeyam samarpayaami
The tradition…
According to the Agama Shastras, one can offer all services to the deity as an expression of love, respect, and gratitude—just as one would serve a beloved person. With this fundamental emotion, we offer our devotion to the Supreme Lord, believing that the deity represents His manifested form (Vyaktha).
The symbolism…
Dhupam, with the fragrance of the incense it releases, creates an uplifting atmosphere for those nearby. This symbolizes the behavior and actions of the learned, whose conduct inspires and uplifts others. Deepam represents jnana, the knowledge that shapes and nurtures such virtuous and enlightening behavior. Aachamaneeyam, the offering of water to God, symbolizes sraddha—a focused devotion and earnest pursuit of that knowledge.
Goda Devi is the Adhyapayanthi, the teacher, revered by the Acharyas for imparting the hidden secrets to a blissful life through symbolism. Her teachings allow every seeker to walk the spiritual path with joy, transforming what could otherwise be a challenging journey into one of grace and ease.

Dhupam, the fragrance—the inspiring behaviour and actions of the learned—as seen in the 10 Gopikas that Goda Devi introduces to us is seen in Thiruppavai’s Pasurams 6 to 15. Each Gopika embodies a distinct quality that one must cultivate, with the final Gopika symbolizing the ability to endure any situation gracefully. This quality encourages one to conduct themselves in such a way that, even if not understood immediately, others will come to recognize the wisdom of their actions over time.
ru:ksha:kshara:ni srunvanvai thattha bhagavathe:ritha:n
when you reach a point where you can embrace the tough words of well-wishers as blessings, only then can the teachings of a guru truly take root within you…
Let us offer Dhupam, Deepam, and Aachamaneeyam with a deeper understanding in our hearts—recognizing the importance of cultivating a genuine interest in learning what is good, dedicating time to acquire knowledge, and aligning our actions with the guidance of our well-wishers
-From the discourse of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– Dhanurmasam 2024, Mangalagiri
Jai sreemannarayana Acharya Divya tiruvadigale saranam. Our Acharyas smile is always a pleasant breeze to us