In general, there are three things we do. We think. We speak. We act. We can be doing any of them, but what we are doing ultimately is living our lives. Just like there are intermediate desirable goals for each thought, word and activity…

Is there a desirable final destination for life?

Yes there is! It is to reach bhagavad sri: pa:da sannidhi, the Divine feet of God. This is analogous to a lost child’s goal to return to his home.

Scriptures mention that such abode is paramapadam, Sri Vaikunta, the eternal abode of the supreme Lord Srimannarayana. It is said to be the ‘place’ that when a soul reaches there, it need not return to this world…

na cha punara: varthathe:
na cha punara: varthathe:
no returning to this world…

sada: pasyanthi su:rayaha
constantly indulged in ‘watching’ Lord’s indescribable divine glory, qualities, form…

However, some great scholars ‘argued’…

Great scholars like Prathivadhi Bhayankaram Annangaracharya Swami argued that there is a place right here in this world that is equivalent to Sri Vaikunta…

Vedas say, that place is at the feet of the archa: mu:rthi, the deity in your puja mandir. The deity of God is the same supreme God who is in Sri Vaikunta. [How can a statue / deity / idol made of this worldly matter be the supreme God?]

pu:rnam idam pu:rnamadaha
pu:rna:th pu:rnudachyathe:
pu:rnasya pu:rnama:da:ya
pu:rname:va avasishyathe:

If you believe in the deity form of God as the same supreme God, then the ultimate desirable destination for you can be attained right at the divine feet of the deity that you worship everyday in your puja mandir.

I have a puja mandir with Lord’s deity in it,
What do I do there to attain the ultimate desirable destination?

One thing to remember is that there is nothing we can do to reach God, it is purely God’s grace for when and how that happens because He knows the right time for it. However, when time comes, it is also important that we don’t block that divine ultimate experience of joy with ‘our’ limited knowledge. If we do, He waits again for the right time. Should we make Him wait? Or shall we be ready?

As stated earlier, scriptures declare that the ultimate desirable destination for anyone is bhagavad sri:pa:da sannidhi, the divine feet of God. In this world, God is accessible as a deity and acharyas represent the divine feet of God. To reach the divine feet of God, one must have an interest to approach and learn from a sada:cha:rya. Because a right acharya walks the path laid by God in full faith as His perfect instrument to support His mission of bestowing us with right knowledge. He bridges the gap that we built between the ultimate destination and ourselves.

He helps one understand God and stands as the guiding light. He enlightens us about devotees of God from the past. He describes the form of God as realized by great souls. He explains the ways to serve Him and the method of overcoming all obstacles by imparting right knowledge as stated in sa:sthras, the instructions of God.

Under the guidance and instructions of such acharya, one can serve God right here in the world.

How do I begin the process of reaching this
desirable ultimate destination while I am in this world?

A sada:charya, right acharya teaches the process as dictated in the sa:sthras

Scriptures mention that the ultimate desirable destination for anyone is bhagavad sri:pa:da sannidhi, the divine feet of God. In this world, God is accessible as a deity. In this world, acharyas represent the divine feet of God. Because a right acharya walks the path laid by God in full faith, with clarity in mind of right knowledge as prescribed in scriptures, filled with immense devotion for the Lord and carries the same compassion that God has for everyone in the world.

Step 1: Internal cleaning of the body, bhu:tha suddhi

  • Every morning after entering the pu:ja mandir, one must have firm intent to perform bhu:tha suddhi, the process of ‘disintegrating’ their current body made of pancha bhuthas, i.e. the five elements of nature. This and the rest of the below process happens in one’s mind.
  • Activate and ignite the fire element in the body. Feel that the body is disintegrating into its constituents, releasing them into nature. Like a mirror that gets dusty the next day despite cleaning it, one must perform this routine once everyday.

Step 2: Crossing through the 12 lokas

  • The soul gradually comes out of the degenerating body and travels through 12 worlds named archi, dina, pu:rvapaksha etc.

Step 3: Crossing of viraja

  • You (the soul) shed thamas, the quality of nature that activates tha:masic tendencies, imprints of karma making one unresponsive to right thoughts/actions.
  • By the grace of God, you reach a place/state called viraja where you are liberated from rajas, the quality of nature that activates rajasic tendencies, imprints of karma that makes one not arrogant to believe in truths, thereby remaining ignorant of eternal realities.

Step 4: Graced with new body

  • You are now fondly welcomed by many eternal souls who are serving God. This journey happens from where you are seated in the puja mandir and towards the deity in the puja mandir.
  • You (the soul) witness the deity form of God in the puja mandir, mentally steps onto God’s right foot, realizes and actualizes His form fully, and steps out of God’s left foot.
  • God’s compassion graces you with a new divine body.
  • You now place the same deity in the puja mandir into the heart of the new body, seating Him in honor on a beautiful lotus flower.

Step 5: Serving God in the heart

  • You are now knowledgeable that the new body consisting of all senses, intellect, and different parts is given by God, for the purpose of serving Him for the duration that He intends and in the ways that He deems fit.
  • swase:na bhu:the:na maya:
    swi:yaihi: sarva paricchadaihi
    vidha:thum pri:thama:thma:nam
    de:vaha prakramathe: swayam..
    The soul offers all the services to the Lord seated in his heart mentally.

Step 6: Getting ready to serve archa:mu:rthi, deity in puja mandir

  • bhagavan! Pundari:ka:ksha!
    hrudya:ngam thu maya:krutham
    a:thmasa:thkuru de:ve:sa
    ba:hye: thvam samyadarchaye:
    “I will attempt to perform the same services that I offered to God in my heart to the deity in my puja mandir. I pray for His grace to let me serve Him properly…”
    “I will attempt to perform service physically to the universal form of God as I lead this day of the life, I pray for His grace to let me serve Him properly…”
    With such thought process and intent, one must conduct himself everyday. Such a life enjoys paramapadam, the divine feet of God in Sri Vaukunta right here in this world in his own puja mandir every morning and in the world throughout the day…

With such thought process and intent, one must conduct himself everyday. Such a life enjoys paramapadam, the divine feet of God in Sri Vaukunta right here in this world in his own puja mandir every morning and in the world throughout the day… One’s journey is now as beautiful as the ultimate final destination.

– From the divine address of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– Sri Purushotthamacharya’s Vaikunta utsvam
– 22nd July 2024, Warangal, Telangana .