West or South?

In search of mother Sitha, Sri Ramachandra was traveling towards the south (Lanka). However, He chose to take a detour and stepped towards the west, visited a worthy place in the direction, and resumed towards the south.

Do you Open or Close eyes to see God ?

Everyone wants to see the supreme thatthva, God. If such supreme thatthva is in front of you, why close your eyes? You would want to see the magnificent form. However, do your eyes have the power to see His

What is a Koyil?

A koyil is a residence of God. Where is His residence? His residence is in a different format depending on the timeframe that you are looking at. In one sense, the first timeframe is prior to the current srushti

The Nandavraj of Andal

It is during this time of the year (the month of ma:rgali as per the Vedic Lunar calendar) that our Andal Devi saw the world (her Nandavraj) in its true state.  She saw Sri Krishna, the supreme tatthva reflecting