Technical Questions

Upanishads are hidden secrets from the Vedas. They should be learnt by people who are real seekers.  Creation is a chance given to the souls to improve themselves and that chance has been provided by God due to

Discovering the path

A true acharya is the one who brings knowledge and practice together. One need not go in search of the right acharya. The right acharya comes to one when there is a need and when it is the right

Understanding some terms

One who stands as an example to the rest of the world in human life is referred to as peruma:l and is worshipped as well. The illustrious and righteous Rama was given the title of peruma:l as He showed

U:rdhva Pundram / Thiruman (Tilak on head)

 Face should represent what is felt in our heart because face is the index of one’s mind. Everyone wants to be happy always, love others, be loved and feel at peace. Thiruman represents love and  peace and hence joy.

Rapid fire questions from children

Our purpose on the earth is to discover the truth about ourselves and to love everything and not hate everything.  When things happened beyond man’s control, man understood that there is someone behind everything. And that someone started