Mangalasasanams to you all on the occasion of Sravana Purnima and Hayagriva Jayanthi.

O Lord Hayagri:va! Make us knowledgeable and wise. Bless us with good speaking skills. May our prayers grow in abundance at Your lotus feet forever, and bless us with the eternal bliss of salvation!

Let us chant these prayers

Sri: Hayagri:va Parabramhane: Namaha!

Hayagriva mala manthram – 

sri: lakshmi hayavadana parabramhane: namaha

o:m hloum hri:m sri:m aim sri: hayagri:va sarva vidya:m da:paya da:paya

tha:masa buddhim hana hana, ajna:na:di:n na:saya na:saya,

sarva ve:da sa:sthra:dishu sarvajnathvam da:paya da:paya anima:di:n thath shat namaha||


jna:na:nanda mayam de:vam nirmala sphatika:kruthim |
a:dha:ram sarva vidya:na:m hayagri:vam upa:smahe: ||

Lord Hayagri:va has a resplendent treasure of infinite knowledge which illuminates the whole world. This knowledge fulfills the desires of all the people and hence it is useful for all.The thing which is practically useful, gives us the real joy. Lord Hayagri:va is the personification of knowledge and joy. That is why he shineswith a greater brilliance than that of the sun and the moon. Hence, we worship Lord Hayagri:va, who is the embodiment of all knowledge and who shines like an immaculate pure crystal gem.


disanthu me: de:va! sada: thwadi:ya:ha  daya:tharanga:nu chara:h kata:ksha:ha |
sro:thre:shu pumsa:m amrutham ksharanthi:m  saraswathi:m samsritha ka:madhe:num ||

Oh radiant embodiment of the Light of Knowledge, Lord Hayagri:va! I request You to keep me in the shower of your benign sight with its tides of compassion. Bless me with the eloquent power of fluency and enable me to pour ambrosial words in the ears of the listeners. Bless me with the great power of eloquence like that of Ka:madhe:nu, the great divine cow, fulfilling the needs of those that approach with a desire. Lord Hayagri:va!  Bless me with great qualities of speech!