Earn, eat, ease, entertain… and repeat. This is the general course of life for a lot of us on most days. Sometimes we come across some people who make this mundane routine divine… Want to know what it means and why do they do it?
What makes one’s routine divine?
Practicing the knowledge of eternal realities as explained in Vedas makes one’s routine divine. Therefore, it is advised that we lead life that is driven by and on foundations of the eternal Vedic wisdom. That’s when one can experience anything as divine. Otherwise, we will end up causing disturbance to our own peaceful existence and also become burdensome to mother Earth.
How can you say that mother Earth will be troubled when we don’t follow Vedic practices?
Take the example of the Industrial revolution that started not more than 250 or 300 years ago. In that span, it managed to destroy the ozone layer making a hole as big as the size of Australia. It paved the path for many deadly diseases currently affecting humans and other beings like some cancers.
Life existed since 4000 million years. Ancient history reveals that people built the biggest of the biggest structures, provided medical support and saved lives, conducted mass communication in methods that did not harm nature and kept mother Earth happy.
That was because most led lives driven by Vedic wisdom. There was respect and offerings from human beings to de:vathas, life supporting powers of God such as Sun, moon, air, water, space etc. De:vatha is div, that which delightfully and effortlessly carries out its work. People expressed their gratitude to de:vathas through yajnas based on God’s guidance as revealed in Bhagavad Gi:tha and as passed on by the lineage of sages/acharyas etc.
deva:n bha:vayatha:ne:na
the: de:va: bha:vayanthu vaha |
parasparam bha:vayanthaha
sre:yah param ava:psyattha ||
BG 3.11
anga: a: nanya: de:vatha: sa a:thma…
Yajur ve:da
But Yajna emits smoke, How can it not be harming nature?
Make a visit to where someone can explain what happens during a yajna and watch the process. Ask questions about what makes it environmentally friendly. The process involves slow combustion and other elements that make it a friend to the environment and not a threat.
Most commonly used ACs these days etc emit chlorofluorocarbons which are dangerous.
More importantly, the intent and the process of yajnas are clarified by Lord Krushna and the vedic scriptures. We must all try to regain that understanding and practice it.
The scriptures say, “A mother is blessed with a beautiful way to nourish her baby through nutritious breast milk as soon as she gives birth to the baby. Similarly, God created yajnas along with human beings so that they can live together in union supporting each other’s existence. If one follows this recommendation, it can also enable them to even attain mo:ksha, an eternal state of liberation from karma and joyful togetherness with God.”
Okay, but how can common people perform Yajna?
Yajna is not just limited to what happens at the mortal altar using fire sticks, flames etc that a ruthwik performs. You can transform everything that is happening to you, from you, around you, within you, with you etc as yajna too.
You can transform anything you do into a yajna in one of the two ways. In the first way, you perceive in your mind that everything external to you is the altar. In the second way, you perceive in your mind that you are the altar.
When the World becomes ho:ma kunda, the altar… | When You become ho:ma kunda, altar… |
You are the ho:tha, the performer of the yajna | Everything external to you is the ho:tha, the performer of the yajna |
Your senses are the hands that offer oblations | Everything that is reaching your senses are the oblations |
Everything that is perceived by your senses are the different colors like blue, yellow, red flames | Your knowledge of the experience is of different colors like blue, yellow, red flames |
The indwelling core supporter, God in the world is the final recipient of this yajna | The indwelling core supporter, God in you is the final recipient of this yajna |
When the World becomes the altar… |
You are the ho:tha, the performer of the yajna |
Your senses are the hands that offer oblations |
Everything that is perceived by your senses are the different colors like blue, yellow, red flames |
The indwelling core supporter, God in the world is the final recipient of this yajna |
When You become the altar… |
Everything external to you is the ho:tha, the performer of the yajna |
Everything that is reaching your senses are the oblations |
Your knowledge of the experience is of different colors like blue, yellow, red flames |
The indwelling core supporter, God in you is the final recipient of this yajna |
– From the discourse of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– Sri Yagam, 25 th June 2023,
– Ilford, UK
Everyone was amazed at how beautifully Swamiji explained how to go from being mundane to divine. Swamiji started off saying that one must streamline their heart, words and action in the way that there is a larger benefit to mankind rather than just for oneself or one sect or one community.
manasye:kam vachasye:kam karmanye:kam sada:thmana:
The path for that way is long established by time tested Vedic wisdom. Let us all bow to it and reap the benefits…
“What an honour to be in the presence of this great Man. What wonderful words of wisdom!! Thank you so much for the talk here today. The message of peace you are taking around the world…You do great work in Hyderabad, but You are the real ambassador of peace. We need many more people like You in this world but we are so lucky to have You here in Redbridge. Fantastic, thank you so much!
I could listen to this Man all day long but I have to go to commemorate the death of a young lady murdered here a year ago…, I have to go to that… My God’s blessings with You and it’s been a great honour and privilege to be here”
– Keith Prince, Member of the London Assembly Havering and Redbridge
“Thank you Swami. It’s a real honour and privilege to be here and I have learnt a lot. I will certainly try to do the Ya:gam that You taught us now…”
– Jyotsna Islam, Madam Mayor,Redbridge, London