Badrinath Yatra 2024

Badrinath is a sacred and pious place. Lord had descended to Badrinath in the form of Nara (sishya) and Narayana (guru) 6 manvantharas (43,20,000 * 71 * 6 years) ago. The purpose of these incarnations is to give an

Mukthinath Yatra 2024

“I heard it was snowflakes attending the ‘Foundation stone’ ceremony at Mukthinath last year. This year, it is rays of Sun attending the ‘Consecration’ ceremony'. Looks like divine forces of nature were taking turns to be with Swamiji in Mukthinath…”

Tip for good health, Salted or Saltless?

Today, everyone is used to browsing through 60 second short videos for entertainment and perhaps some “guidance”. Decades ago, one visitor approached HH Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji and asked for something that can enlighten him but he had only 5

Prasadam and Peace – Know the connection!

Everyone longs for calm, energetic, peaceful and content state of mind. Does food we intake play a role in giving us such state of mind? We see utmost importance given to prasadam (anything taken in after offering to God)