Rattha Sapthami @ Divya Saketham

On Feb 3rd Rattha Sapthami was celebrated in grand manner. Special programs were conducted in Divya Saketham. 7:00 am - Procession of Lord 9:00 am - Soura Homam Surya Narayana bestows health and prosperity. Worshipping the Sun on Rattha Sapthami

Vizianagaram VT Activities

Vizianagaram, • Sri Rama Kalynam was performed at Budipet . In that, the glory of Bhagvad Ramanuja was made popular with film projected to the audience. The project of 100th anniversary of Ramanuja was explained in detail. • Blankets were

Tenali Kids Set An Example !!

Tenali, 25/01/2017 Students of Viveka School, Tenali set an example for all the children in not only in Tenali but all over the world. The young kids have expanded their hearts with compassion and are expressing their concern for the