What is the Most Powerful Gadget?

Today’s world includes innumerable interesting gadgets such as fitness bands, toolkits, bluetooth FM transmitter, knife sharpeners, vegetable slicers. We know that these gadgets solve a specific function. They excite us because we can now do the same things more

15 Qualities of a Disciple

sadbuddhihi sa:dhuse:vi: samuchitha charithaha thaththvabo:dha:bhila:shi: susru:shuhu thyakthama:naha pranipathanaparaha prasnaka:laprathi:kshaha sa:ntho da:nthonasu:yaha saranamupagathaha sa:sthraviswa:sasa:li: sishyaha pra:pthaha pari:ksha:m kruthavidabhimathaha thaththvathaha sikshani:yaha [table id=70 /] Such a disciple who is inquisitive is eligible to receive

Jagannath, The Charioteer

Kato:panishad uses a metaphor ratha, chariot for human body. If the body is a chariot, who is traveling in it? Who is its charioteer? What kind of horses does this body chariot have? What are the reins of its horses?

The Wheels of Life Chariot

Did you ever feel like life is going in a different direction than intended? Is that because the wheels of your life are taking your life chariot in a different direction? Or is the driver of the your life


Every day we make many decisions: from debating snoozing the alarm clock to the way we conduct with family, friends, and colleagues. Some decisions have minimal effect such as choosing what to wear, or a huge effect such as