The Marvel of Marriage

There are so many memes, jokes, comedy shows on life after marriage. Statistics* report only 50 to 60% of married people are happy. If so… What is the need to marry?

Sri Sitha Rama Kalyanam at Divya Saketham

వృణీమహే... అహౌ దాస్యామహ! "Yes, I accept to be the wedded wife", said Sitha! It was a beautiful day when four divinely powerful couples got married on a single stage: Rama with Sitha, Lakshmana with Urmila, Bharatha with Mandavi and

The Wedding and its Post-Events!

After Goda Kalyanam, several wings of Vikasa Tarangini and other women groups from in and around the duo states, of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh came to Divya Saketham and offered a few essential and delicious refreshments to the bride! Ramantapur Vikasatarangini, headed