The Wheels of Life Chariot

Did you ever feel like life is going in a different direction than intended? Is that because the wheels of your life are taking your life chariot in a different direction? Or is the driver of the your life

Vasantha Navaratri

There are traditionally two sets of navaratri uthsavams celebrated annually. The first one is vasantha navaratri, celebrated from Ugadi (marking of a new year following movement of the moon, lunar calendar) to Sri Ramanavami. The second one is sarad

VT Warangal Conducted Sri Rama Paduka Pattabhishekam

Feb 10th, 2016 VT Warangal conducted Sri Rama Paduka Pattabhishekam in 28 villages in station Ghanpur mandal. VT President Nagabandi Venkatal Narsayya, VT Chair VT Srinivas, members spread the message. 785 padukas were distributed. Door to door distribution was done. They all said