Self-Realisation, a whirlpool!

‘Purushe:na ardhaha purushardhaha'. Purushardhaha is that which one seeks. Take a moment and think about what you want to seek... Wealth, knowledge, happiness? Depending on what it is, one falls into one of the three categories. Very interesting and a

What is the Key to please God?

Let’s first see what it takes to please our senses and people around us. And then, we will compare that effort to what it takes to please God. For most people, ‘Wake up, work, feel worn out and repeat’ is

Aandal, Personified Devotion and the Ultimate Lady Saviour!

Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji presided at Divya Saketham during Aandal Thirunakstram celebrations with utmost reverence and gratitude. Swamiji said, ‘Sri Krushnadevaraya’s Amuktamalyada, official state symbol of Tamil Nadu, lakhs of people observing a penance called Dhanurmasa vratham every year,