Unrestricted access to Lord Vishnu

Vishwaksena is one of the key players in the parivar, the ‘family’ of Lord Vishnu. He has unrestricted access to Lord Vishnu, a unique privilege. He does not speak much. He goes to Lord Vishnu with a statement. Lord

Who is Vishnu?

Vishnu is the name of God reflecting His quality of being all-pervasive. It is beautifully elaborated by Sri Para:sara Maharshi as… vibhava:nu prave:se:na tha:vath visinashti vishnu hu ithi Vishnu is that which enters its vibhava

Why does God have 1000s of Names?

Sri Vishnu Sahasra Namam is a collection of 1000 names of God. Why does God have numerous names? Isn’t God simply God, Almighty, the Supreme? Is it necessary to know all the names of God? These could be some