The vastness & greatness of God and His creation is incomprehensible and ineffable. The Ve:das say that Brahman connotes the highest Universal Principle and the Supreme Reality in the universe. They, proclaim that God is present everywhere and that HE exists and expands HIMSELF as the smallest of the small and largest of the large! It says that Srimanna:ra:yana is essentially the supreme force and the essence of all. And yet, such an all-pervasive supreme God, remains unknown and inaccessible to anyone!
God chooses to appear to us at his own will. He descends to Earth in all His magnificence and becomes easily accessible to us in specific, all powerful forms – like the Archa Murthy which is a deity form of the same God with all power and innumerable auspicious qualities! And when He does manifest Himself in that form, He brings along a powerful story for His appearance to increase our faith and focus.
He often comes for the sake of devotees like Dhruva, Ambareesha, Prahlada and in the process He shows us the meaning and purpose of human life. He helps us develop an understanding of true devotion, love, and compassion by way of worship and setting good intentions. He creates and establishes a system for preservation and continuity through Acharyas like Sri Ra:manujacarya.
Once, over 2 million years ago, this same Lord of the universe descended on to the earth as a wild white boar called Swe:tha Varaha on the Hills of Tirumala using an Arch like rock formation known as “Sila Tho:ranam” as an entry point. Archeologists have dated the arch to nearly 1.5 million years, so they’re getting close!
Since then, He always appeared to His devotees as Srinivasa along with His divine airplane “A:nanda Vima:nam” near a pond called “Swamy Pushkarini” on these hills.

He set foot on the hills and chose the “Archa Murthy” or the Deity form of Sri Venkateshwara Srinivasa to stay here on the divine Tirumala Hills and bless us all until the end of this era “Kaliyuga”.
The Tirumala Hills

The divine Tirumalamountain range stretches across 7 beautiful hills. These hills were personally brought by Swamy from His divine abode Paramapadam. The hills there were actually his ‘personal playground’.
Hence they are known as “Krida:dri” (a playground). Devotees, Dcelestial beings like Lord Siva, his son Skanda, devathas like Va:yude:va, and so many others did penance for Lord Srinivasa on these hills where God appeared and blessed them.
When Swamy chooses to appear for His devotees, on these Hills, He does so using His flight Ananda Vima:nam, which our sacred texts say takes off vertically like a helicopter! Swamy always chose a particular place for His darshan – near the pond Swamy-Pushkarini.
Swamy Pushkarini
This is one many auspicious ponds on the hills. The pond is a creation of God that he personally brought from his eternal abode, Paramapadam. The pond, there, was known as Aira Madam. Our scriptures say, when a soul leaves the body and moves towards the highest abode Paramapadam, it crosses the divine Viraja River. It dips in the river, sheds its subtle body (including the mind, ego, intelligence, and seed matter) and obtains another divine body.

The body is embellished with ornaments by other liberated beings and would dip in the Aira Madam pond. When the soul finally comes out of the pound, eagle Garuda would carry the soul to God in Paramapadam.
The Brahmotsavam – started by Lord Brahma

During one of God’s appearances on these hills, He manifested Himself in Vigraha Roopam to Lord Brahma. Brahma was so overjoyed to receive the blessings of God, that he began to worship Him with great devotion and festivity. The celebrations started by Brahma, have been followed by us as a ‘Brahmotsavam’ in Tirumala. During the ‘utsavam’, God in His deity form, is made to ascend various beautifully decorated vehicles like Garuda, Gaja, Hanuman, Adi Se:sha, a Tree (Kalpavruksham),
and many others, to show us that He is the master and ruler all this creation of all beings in all forms!
The glory of God and His pastimes are innumerable. Let’s bask in His glories and spread this joy to others.
Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami speak about Thirumala Venkateswara Swamiji and the Hills at Houston, USA
– From the discourse of Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
17th Dec, 2019
[…] beauty of Sri Venkateswara Swami and His glory is shown by Garuda, one that travels faster than your mind, to carry God and His […]