We all know positive attitude is a key element in staying strong through a critical situation in life. The ‘can do’ attitude is the recommended approach in reaching a goal. But, how much control do these attitudes have on the outcome of a situation? Is there something beyond positive mind or is there something guiding the mind that can ultimately protect us through any situation?
Let’s look at these aspects so we not only make the best use of our mind, but also use it for the best purpose.
Firstly, how long has this mind been with us? It has been with us not just through this janma (in this body), but also ever since we existed. Remember always, we are not the same as our body. Hence, the companionship of our mind with ourselves must be seen beyond the current body. When it is time, we leave current body and move to another. These bodies are called the big bodies, sthoola sareeras. Our mind is part of sookshma sareera, a tiny body that accompanies us from one body (sthoola sareera) to another.
If we are discussing this topic, then it shows that our mind has shown a tendency towards understanding the true nature of self, the mind and the power the is ruling them both. That is an indication that the mind has passed through two stages and is in a beautiful third stage now!
Stage One
This is when we had a body which has no mechanism to connect with our mind. Example: a stone or a tree. It’s like having access to a great software, but we do not have a compatible computer to install it on. Another example would be where we have access to intelligence information, but we have no ability to decode it.
But wait, we may wonder – Was I a rock or a stone earlier to having this human body? Highly possible. If we don’t use the mind efficiently in this human body, God’s super system puts us back into a body where it need not be used (ex: rock!). Not to sidetrack the current topic, the intent of describing this stage of mind is only to understand the mind and its usage levels.
Stage Two
This is when we are in a body where our body and our mind are super good friends. Example: a human body. In this stage, the mind craves for comforts of the body, it is influenced by the need and greed of the body. The external elements that give pleasure to body are more pleasing to mind than anything else. This is when we are happy on a luxurious vacation, or spending lakhs on a high-end car, may be even an alcoholic drink etc.
Stage Three
This is when we are in a body where the mind is a good friend of us! Example: again, a human body. In this stage, the mind is interested in taking up what is good to ourselves. It is not influenced by the body. The mind co-operates with us and shows interest in what gives us true and permanent happiness than a temporary pleasure for the body. The mind works with everyone in collaboration to help us achieve the divine joy!
This is the stage that Nammalwar’s mind was in. He was therefore thanking his mind, (manas) for allowing him to communicate with God. The manas talks back to Him and says, “Don’t thank me! It is God who controls me and you. It is completely God’s grace that you and I are together in this body knowing that He owns us“. This knowledge is what makes the mind work at its best compared to the sole ‘positive attitude’ or a ‘can-do attitude’. In such stage, one is a fully blossomed individual whose conduct not only benefits the self but also nurtures everyone around him/her towards bliss.
From the teachings of Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– Bhagavad Vishayam class, JIVA asram,
– 14 th August 2019