How did the divine vigraha of Swami Ramanuja which showed that he is the future Acharya come about?


The first divine vigraha (idol) of Swami Ramanuja was gifted by Swami Nammazhvar himself to Sri Nathamunuigal after teaching him the treasure of Naalayira Divya Prabhandam. This was then passed onto Yaamunachaarya who then identified Swami Ramanuja as Bhavishyat Acharya (the acharya of future). Its currently worshipped in ThirukOshtiyur (or Goshtipuram)

Swami Ramanuja is considered as the brother of this Azhvar. Who is this Azhvar


Swami Ramanuja is referred to as the elder brother of the Azhvar Godha devi or Andal. Godha devi in a verse of her composition talks of presenting 100 pots of sweet rice and 100 pots of butter to Lord Sundar Raja of Thirumaliruncholai Andal after she sings the Nachiyar Thirumozhi verses attains paramapada and Swami Ramanuja fufills her wishes. Hence hes fondly referred to as her elder brother.

He was immersed in the beauty of his wifes/lovers eyes before he became the disciple of Swami Ramanuja? Who is this?


Dhanurdasa aka Pillai Urangavalli dasar. Dhanurdasa,a gymnast was a slave to his lovers eyes Kanakamba but when Swami Ramanuja showed him the beautiful lotus eyes of Lord Ranganatha he became mesmerised and stood rooted. From then on Dhanurdasa became a dasa of Swami Ramanuja . He also married Kanakamba who also willingly became a disciple of Swami Ramanuja.

Swami Nammazhvar did not open his mouth to eat or speak until he was how many years old?


16 years, After which an azhvar came and interacted with him and requested him to be his Acharya. That is our next question

Unscramble these and tell us what they are? They are mulitple words and counts for each word is present in the brackets hardest hangar ava (8, 8) saved aa rant (7, 4) sahib has ry (3, 7) evaded paetan (7,5) habit hay gas (4,7)


Works written by Swami Ramanuja
Vedartha Sangraha
Vedanta Sara
Sri Bhashya
Vedanta Deepa
Gita Bhashya

Which Azhvar considered Swami Nammazhvar as his Achaarya


Madhurakavi Azhvar considered Swami Nammazhvar as his Acharya. He wrote Kanninum Siruthammbu which is in praise of his acharya Swami Nammazhvar and devotion to him. This is also considered part of the Divya Prabhandam

Unscramble these and tell us what they are? They are mulitple words and counts for each word is present in the brackets hardest hangar ava (8, 8) saved aa rant (7, 4) sahib has ry (3, 7) evaded paetan (7,5) habit hay gas (4,7)


Works written by Swami Ramanuja
Vedartha Sangraha
Vedanta Sara
Sri Bhashya
Vedanta Deepa
Gita Bhashya

Which Azhvar considered Swami Nammazhvar as his Achaarya


Madhurakavi Azhvar considered Swami Nammazhvar as his Acharya. He wrote Kanninum Siruthammbu which is in praise of his acharya Swami Nammazhvar and devotion to him. This is also considered part of the Divya Prabhandam