Unscramble these and tell us what they are? They are all single words oak kid uma a jnana chap yaa sadhu ran as and kana rangaas


Five Weapons of perumal
Kaumo:daki Gada (Mace)
Pa:nchajanya Shankha (Conch)
Sudharshana Chakra (Disc)
Nandaka (Sword)
Sa:rnga (Bow)

What is referred to as Tamil Vedas ?


The Naalayira Divya Prabhandam (4000 divine verses) composed by the Azhvars are referred to as Tamil Vedas. They are referred to as the VEdas as all of these talk about Supreme Being directly and lucidly and how one can reach Him. This is stated in Acharya Hrudayam, a Manipravalam work written by Azhagiya Manavala Perumal Nayanar.

Which Azhvar comes in the lineage of our Acharyas?


Swami Nammazhvar (Our Azhvar) or Swami Sathako:pa:. Swami Sathakopa is held in the highest esteem as an Achaarya (Azhvar) in Sri Vaishnavism. His experiences are of the highest spiritual order. He is recognized as the kulapati (founder seer) of Sri Vaishnava theology. He is endearingly referred to as Nammazhvar or Our Saint.