In Bha:rath (India) there are 290 million life insurance policyholders from LIC, Life Insurance Corporation of India. The protection offered by LIC or any life insurance provider is for the body and the relations coming with the body. Therefore, if you are a life insurance policyholder, you have insured the body.
You have a body, but you are not the body. Consider a pregnant lady. She has a baby but is not the baby. You are the soul, and you are given a body for a specific purpose.
How do insure yourself, the soul?
Ie. How do you protect yourself against something undesired?
The pu:rva a:cha:ryas (masters in spirituality hailing inauthentic guru-disciple lineage) have spoken of and practiced a path for those who want to insure their souls. To insure yourself is to protect yourself while you are in the current body and after leaving the current body.
LIC takes premium amounts regularly from you and makes available a lump sum available for you at certain intervals and your dependents at the time of death. This is about protecting the body and the relations coming with it.
The protect the soul i.e. yourself, the acharyas impart knowledge in you systematically that will enable you to practice it. The knowledge is aimed at keeping you on a path that secures you with the permanent abode of bliss.
LIC used a reference from Sri: Ra:ma:yana in one of its public hoardings. Rama asks Bharathaa a series of questions in Chithraku:t with a view to give direction to a king/ruler/administration for good policy-making. One of the questions is…
We also must invest in what is essential and get the right benefit. The premium that you must pay for insuring yourself is genuine interest and focus. Your acharya now takes you on the path for the ultimate benefit, the permanent state of bliss for the self.
– From the discourse of HH Sri ChinnaJeeyar Swamiji
– At the 18th General Body Meeting of Hyderabad Divisional Council
– Life Insurance Agents Federation of India – 1964
– Karmanghat, Hyderabad,
Swamiji appreciated the LIC agents and offered God’s blessings for energy, ability, and enthusiasm they put into their work. Speaking of enthusiasm, HH referred to the etymology of the word.
JAI SRIMANNARAYANA: ASMAD GURUBHONAMA: It is our boon given by God to have an ACHARYA like you SWAMIJI. Your knowledge in any field is not measurable. Now after reading Your Divine dose, I wish to insure some amount of money from my Pension SWAMIJI. Acharyulaku SATHA koti Pranamamulu.
Jai srimanaryana
The thought of beyond self is the inspiration of Acharya