Two Words

Two days ago, I visited the JIVA campus to pay respects to HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji. Fortunately, I was standing nearby a family who came with a wedding card to seek His blessings. I witnessed a beautiful conversation

Can God be Explained or only Experienced?

The fundamental difference between an experience and an explanation is that one is felt by the heart and another is spoken in words. One may not always be able to explain an experience. Logicians or ‘scientists’ do not want

The Marvel of Marriage

There are so many memes, jokes, comedy shows on life after marriage. Statistics* report only 50 to 60% of married people are happy. If so… What is the need to marry?

We wonder…

Did you ever wonder how kings like Ashoka communicated with their troops before and after wartime? The current system that uses mic came into picture in 1800s. Ashoka ruled most of the Indian subcontinent more than

Don’t Panic, Build a Shield

The aim of any religious ceremony or puja is to strengthen the manas, the king of all senses, with the right intellect.  Build a shield that protects one from panicking during hard