Heaven is to enjoy the pleasure of God. Hell is to suffer the anger of God. Certainly they exist. The three highways to Hell are Desire, Anger and Greed. These highways are always jammed because most of us fall prey to these three traits of human weakness. We should therefore choose the alternate highway which is not jammed because less number of people tread that path. That path is the one of Nishkaama Karma of sincere prayers and which helps us to overcome our weakness.
Once a nine year old boy asked : Swami, have you ever seen Heaven or Hell?
The Swami : (Surprised) Have you Seen America?
Boy : I have not seen America but 1 know it exists.
The Swami : How do you know? y
Boy : Seeing in the Atlas & Informed by teachers.
The Swami : We have been informed by our Rishis ,Acharyas ond Vedas about the existence of heaven and hell.
Boy : People from America are visiting India. Is there any evidence like that from hell & heaven?
The Swami : Fortunately not, we have hardly space and food for those on this earth and if only those who departed return we will be in great trouble.