Every year, hundreds of people approach Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji for getting initiated into Vyshnava Deeksha, an oath to be a Vaishnava! It is also called sama:srayanam or pancha samskaram. This initiation is the first step for being qualified to serve God.
What does it mean to be qualified in this divine endeavour? Why will anyone be disqualified at all?
Let’s say a child goes out with his friends and soils himself during the play. After reaching home, he takes a shower and cleans himself up for the next task – dinner or sleep etc! Here, ‘cleaning up’ is considered becoming ‘qualified’ for next task. The child would have been qualified for dinner if he had not soiled himself. But, because he got soiled – he will need to clean himself up.
Similarly, a person as himself is qualified for a blissful state if he had not gotten ‘soiled’ with ignorance or arrogance in the first place. Therefore, to answer our question in the title – every being is eligible for a blissful state, the ‘cleaning ourselves up’ makes us qualified!
Swamiji beautifully explained the following term, samskaram during the initiation at Divya Saketham on the 15th Sep 2018.
A ‘samskaram’ is a qualification for next higher state in one’s path! For example: Cotton goes through several samskarams to become a designer outfit in your closet!
The first samskaram for cotton is to be seed-free. The second samskaram is to be woven into thread. The third samskaram is to be knit. The fourth samskaram is to go through dyeing. The fifth samskaram is to be cut into measurements suitable for your outfit. The sixth samskaram is to be ironed. All these samskarams prepared cotton for the next higher state in its path to become a designer outfit for you.
Similarly, if you make a choice to be a blissful being by serving God – this marks your journey. In this journey, we are by nature eligible and qualified for such a state. However, just like a soiled person cleans himself up, we will need to clean ourselves up.
We will need to prepare ourselves to be free from unnecessary burden that we acquired over the past lives till the current moment. Bear in mind, that the burden does not mean physical relationships or family. It is the ignorance about realities of life, who we are, and why we are here for, what is the right thing to do. This ignorance causes us to bind ourselves to karma.
If we do not ‘block’ God from leading us, we will always remain connected to the non-temporal, the eternal blissful state along with our sweet and powerful companion – God! So, our samskarams begin with enriching knowledge that will bind us to God. They continue with letting go of anything else that will unbind us with God.
The divine name, Vishnu refers to one that exists everywhere. Vyshanava Deeksha refers to realising that God exists everywhere. When one believes it, they are now part of a bigger whole. They are no longer restricted to their body, but they work as a part of God’s own body – this entire existence. Their heart bleeds for pain in any part of the entire existence. They work towards easing the pain of any being in the existence just like an eye weeps when the feet are hurt. This is the heart of a true Vaishnava!
So, who is a Vaishnava by nature? We all are Vaishnavas! Some of us realise this, and some of us do not. Those who want to traverse this path and truly honour our original state begin their initiation from a sadacharya! This path was laid by God himself and was later explained by Ramanujacharya!
The initiation paves path to a virtuous lifestyle in an individual and keeps one in a blissful and helpful state!.
Jaisremannarayanaya..Na peru Padma priya, Hyderabad. samasrayanam Hyd 2025 lo yeppudu untundho theleyaparachandi. Namaskaram.
Jai Srimannarayana Padma priya ji ,
Samasrayanam by Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami is on Feb 17 2025 at JIVA Campus
Adiyen namasakaram, I’m staying in Bangalore, if any place is there do the samasharya in Bangalore.please inform me.
Adiyen Ramanuja dasan.
Jai Srimannarayana, Please visit chinnajeeyar.org or contact Contact: 7901422022
E-mail: Jiva@chinnajeeyar.org for the upcoming location for Samasrayanam.
Please can u kindly inform me when is the next Samashanam in Hyderabad in 2025
Thanks and Regards
Jai Srimannarayana, Please visit chinnajeeyar.org or contact Contact: 7901422022
E-mail: Jiva@chinnajeeyar.org for the upcoming location for Samasrayanam.
Sir, namaskaram. I am srinivas from bhimavaram. I would like totake samasrayanam.
Next date of samasrayanam date 05 th Jan 2025 at mangalagiri???. Plz confirm.
Jai srimannarayan
Jai Srimannaryana, Yes, the next date of Samasrayanam is 5th Jan 2025 at Mangalagiri.
Jai srimannarayana next samsrayana at mangalagiri date was changed from 5th jan 2025 t0 12th jan 2025.please visit Chinnajeeyar.org for latest updates .
Namaskaram 🙏🏻 My name is srujana i live in tirupati i want yo get samasrayanam can u pls tell me where i can get samasrayanam in tirupati
Jai Srimannarayana Srujana ji,
The upcoming samasrayanam is on the 13th in JIVA campus,Hyderabad. You might need to arrive by early hours on the 13th. Please contact Contact: 7901422022 for more details and any support that you need.
Shri LakshmiNrusimha Parabramhane Namah
I wish to take Samasrayanam in Pune. Is anything possible? I spoke to the Pune branch of Ahobila Mutt; they told me to visit Tirupati as Acharya is currently there.
Jai Srimannarayana, Please visit chinnajeeyar.org or contact Contact: 7901422022
E-mail: Jiva@chinnajeeyar.org for the upcoming location for Samasrayanam.
Jai srimannarayana!!
Please let me know the rules to be followed after taking samasrayanam
Jai Srimannarayana, Please check http://www.chinnajeeyar.org for the announcement.
When was the next samashrayanam please mention the date
Jai Srimannarayana, Next Samasrayanam is on 11th June 2023. Please check http://www.chinnajeeyar.org for the announcement. It is also posted on our facebook JETWORLD. Alaternate number is: 9553549971
Adiyen Ramanuja Rajan, help me to get panchasamskaram in chennai.
Please call: +91 7901422022 to find out the dates of panchasamskaram.
Sir , Me and my wife registered in above in Enroll Tab
Jai Srimannarayana, Please call +91 7901422022 to find out the details of upcoming mantra initiation.
-Acharya Webteam
I request to please add my email also to your email list . Even i wanted to participate in the Samasryanam . Could you please let me know when is next Samasryanam ?. I tried calling below mentioned number its not working 7901422022
Jai Srimannarayana, Next Samasrayanam is on 22nd August. Please check http://www.chinnajeeyar.org for the announcement. It is also posted on our facebook JETWORLD. Alaternate number is: 9553549971
Jai Srimannarayana, I missed this time to participate in Samasrayanam , can you please let us know next event dates so that we can plan early to come to place from Bangalore
Kindly, keep following our website and also social media handles. We will make a note and inform you in specific for the next time, but we suggest you are also following our pages.
Jai Srimannarayana
-Acharya Web team
Jai sriman Narayan, when will be the next date for panchsamskaram?
జై శ్రీమన్నారాయణ ! సమస్త విశ్వానికి మంగళాశాసనములు!
Sir ji dhayachesi thadupari sama:sryanam yokka thithi ni theliyacheya praarthana 🙏🏻
జై శ్రమన్నారాయణ !!!
జై శ్రీమ్నారాయణ! జై జై శ్రీమ్నారాయణ!!Please kindly let us know if there is a date scheduled between August 25th – September 5th 2022 for Mantra Initiation (Sama:srayanam) by Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami ji. We are visiting India during that time and very much interested in getting Mantra Initiation. Thank you.
జై శ్రీమ్నారాయణ అందరికీ నమస్సుమాంజలి
నా వయసు 28 సంవత్సరాలు నేను బ్రాహ్మణుడను కాదు సమాశ్రయానం చేయించుకోవాలని వుంది నాకు అర్హత ఉందా?
ఎలా? ఎప్పుడు? ఎక్కడ? చేస్తారు వివరించండి దయచేసి
Please call +91 7901422022 for next Samasryanam dates
నమో నారాయణ
మళ్లీ samasrayanam ఎప్పుడు ఉంటుందో చెప్పండి please
Jai Srimannarayana – We announce it on the website and also on social media. You are added to our mailing list and you will get notifications of newsletters also that contain the upcoming events including samasrayanam.
Jai Srimannarayana Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan