Sri Goswami Govindaraya Sharma, a Vallabha follower (resident of Vapi, Gujarat) meets Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji at JIVA asram. Vallabhacharya was a Telugu philosopher who chose Krishna-cantered bhakthi path called ‘Pushti marg’. This path is also under the root philosophy – Ramanujacharya’s Vaishnava philosophy like Swami Narayana, ISKON etc.
Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji has been leading the celebration of Ramanujacharya’s millennium decade through Statue of Equality project at JIVA, Sri Ramnagar, Hyderabad. Hence, Sri Goswami has approached Swamiji and expressed complete volunteerism to serve the root of Vallabhacharya’s philosophy, Ramanujcharya!
Swamiji responded to Sri Goswami, “Vedas are the root of any knowledge about God, nature and every soul. This is what Ramanujacharya institutionalised by making temples as centres of learning the vedic knowledge while the regular household life as a way of implementing it. If we can all try and dedicate children from all our families to learning this Vedic wisdom at JIVA asram (where 8 sects of Vedas are taught in complete detail), it will be one of the best ways to serve Ramanujacharya’s mission to spread right knowledge to everyone.”
Sri Goswami heartfully accepted. He also extended his invitation to Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji to a school situated in Vapi which he runs to teach Vedic wisdom. Swamiji expressed his willingness to visit Vapi. Swamiji also felicitated Sri Goswami with memento of Ramanujacharya.
More than 200 members lead by Sri Goswami visited Divya Saketham prior to visiting Swamiji. They all felt extremely grateful to see the beautiful temple and were able to associate their learning at every step of the temple.
Shrimad Vallabhacharya belongs to the tradition of Shri VedaVyasa Vishnuswami and founded the theory of Shuddhadvait Sakar Brahmavada.