HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji received a shot of Covaxin today at 3:00 pm. Yashoda hospital staff administered the vaccine to Swamiji and a few others who travel along with Swamiji.

Swamiji said, “Vegetables, milk, and others that we consume daily have undesired amounts of chemicals.

When one is consuming all that out of no choice, it’s of no harm to take this vaccine that has the potential to make one immune to the coronavirus.

Remember that this may make one only physically immune, but one’s lifestyle and attitude towards life can make one immune to many disorders such as mental illness, physical stress, and emotional imbalance, etc. Let’s together become immune at all levels and live a healthier and happier life.”

Remember that this may make one only physically immune, but one’s lifestyle and attitude towards life can make one immune to many disorders such as mental illness, physical stress, and emotional imbalance, etc. Let’s together become immune at all levels and live a healthier and happier life.”