Rama’s 11000 years of Upasana

Sage Valmiki did not say Rama ruled the kingdom for 11,000 years, he said that Rama performed upa:sana on the ra:jya, the kingdom. dasavarsha sahasra:ni dasa varsha satha:nicha ra:mo: ra:jyam upa:sithva: Upa:sana is the continuous stream

The Wheels of Life Chariot

Did you ever feel like life is going in a different direction than intended? Is that because the wheels of your life are taking your life chariot in a different direction? Or is the driver of the your life

Ashtalakshmi, Why Limited to 8 Forms?

Mother Lakshmi is worshiped in 8 forms as Ashtalakshmi. What is special about 8? Sage Parasara said, de:vyaha sahasram thattha: Mother Lakshmi emerges in thousands of divine forms to ensure Lord Narayana’s grace is not