A new beginning…

A fresh and new beginning starts with clarity of mind. One day, the mental state of Sage Valmiki was so clear that he outpoured a beautiful poetic expression with two levels of artha, meaning. One offered the external view

Special fee for an invaluable course!

To upskill in one’s career, there are hundreds of training platforms and innumerable courses. To train oneself physically, there are thousands of gym centers, a variety of fitness training courses, and a huge number of ‘help’ videos. These platforms

Happy Karthika Pournami

Hartum tamaha sadasati:cha vive:ktumi:so: maanam pradeepamaiva kaaruniko dadaati Te:na:valo:kya krutinaha paribhunjate: tam Tatraiva ke:pi chapala:ssalabhi: bhavanti - Sri Rangaraja sthavam composed by Sri Parasara Bhattar God (the controller) gives scriptures (vedas) to us