Those Long 30 Hours…

If you are in proximity with your dear one, time passes by so quickly otherwise, every moment feels like ages. Those 30 hours also therefore felt extremely long. HH Sri ChinnaJeeyar Swamiji was away from his dearest one, Sri

God and Me

Someone said to God, “Yes…You are the supreme being. You have the entire existence in yourself. That’s true, but I have You in my heart! Who is supreme now?!” [with sense of humour but not lacking certain truth] From

Ayodhya to Chithrakoot

Sri Ramachandra had His first halt at Chithrakoot during His exile to the forests from Ayodhya. Sage Valmiki described Chithrakoot as a very pious place because Sri Ramachandra,Mother Sitha, and His brother Lakshmana spent time on Chithrakoot Mountain. In

Swamiji visits Thirumala Sri Srinivasa

The aim of any government body is to facilitate the basic needs of people, provide security and aid in the holistic growth of society. Ultimately, the government must not allow anyone or anything to hinder the overall well-being of

Qualified Coexistence

Every responsible citizen of the world must learn to coexist peacefully. It does not matter how different one is from another, everyone must live on the same land and breath the same air. Unless we all learn to co-exist