Rama’s 11000 years of Upasana

Sage Valmiki did not say Rama ruled the kingdom for 11,000 years, he said that Rama performed upa:sana on the ra:jya, the kingdom. dasavarsha sahasra:ni dasa varsha satha:nicha ra:mo: ra:jyam upa:sithva: Upa:sana is the continuous stream

Happy Ugadi, Sobhakruth New Year

Time is powerful. It is not influenced by or affected by anyone or anything. Veda refers to Time as one of the the three divine forms of God. It is called satthva sunya. The other two divine forms of

Are tears cool or hot?

Some tears are hot and some are cool. Tears of sorrow are hot and tears of joy are cool. It is said that Hanuman’s eyes overflow constantly with tears... bha:spava:ri paripu:rna lo:chanam Why are Hanuman’s