What is the Most Powerful Gadget?

Today’s world includes innumerable interesting gadgets such as fitness bands, toolkits, bluetooth FM transmitter,

September 26th, 2022|

15 Qualities of a Disciple

sadbuddhihi sa:dhuse:vi: samuchitha charithaha thaththvabo:dha:bhila:shi: susru:shuhu thyakthama:naha pranipathanaparaha prasnaka:laprathi:kshaha sa:ntho da:nthonasu:yaha saranamupagathaha sa:sthraviswa:sasa:li: sishyaha

September 5th, 2022|

The Secret of Sesha

When 17 is divided by 4, you get a remainder 1. Remainder in Sanskrit

July 15th, 2022|

Jagannath, The Charioteer

Kato:panishad uses a metaphor ratha, chariot for human body. If the body is a chariot,

July 4th, 2022|