Sriman Vudayavar Swamy, a great Ubhaya Vedantha Scholar who conducted Divya Prabandham kalakshepam to hundreds of devotees many times visited JIVA today. About 60 devotees accompanied him from Vijayawada to start the Bhagawad Vishayam kalakshepam.

HH initiated the kalakshepam by chanting prayers on a:cha:ryas –  Acharya thaniyans  and first sentence from the avatharika. HH message follows –

“We bless you all for starting Bhagawad Vishayam kalakshepam. The detailed explanation of Thiruvaimozhi is Bhagawad Vishayam. Bhagawad Vishayam means the place where God is present.  Vishayam in Sanskrit means place. Lord stays in the songs sung by Nammalvar. God is everywhere.  But He is present in Bhagawad Vishayam, because He loves to stay here. He stays in other places because without Him nothing can exist but He made Bhagawad Vishayam his abode as He cannot be without it. Hence, it is called Bhagawad Vishayam.

Since the time of Ramanujacharya, real effort to document the right essence of Thiruvaimozhi started as there was a fear of distorting the meanings of the songs sung by Nammalvar.  The purport to Thiruvaimozhi was written by the close associates of Ramanuja.

Later, Vaddakku Thiruveedhi Pillai brought out an exhaustive, well compiled work. It is an exposition given to us embodying the whole essence of Thiruvaimozhi as is.   This exposition shows us the true essence of Lord just as Nammalvar showed in his Pasurams. As both works are equal in describing the Lord and His attributes, Vadakku Truveedhi Pillai’s work is called I:du.

I:du is called 36,000 granttha. What is a granttha? Is it a scripture or a book? No. A granttha is a compilation of a poem with 32 letters in 4 lines, each line having 8 letters. I:du is equal to the size of a poem having 36,000 slokas.  It is called muppatthu a:ru a:yira padi. There are other acharyas who wrote 9000, 6000, 12000 and 240000 lines. This I:du has the essence of all the other books too.

There are three preludes for this text called sriyah pathi which explain the significance of the granttha, scripture is three different dimensions. These are also called avatha:rika.

How do we pray God? It is indeed a big question we all have!

When we aspire for something, we approach one who has what we aspire for in abundance. Only then, we can receive it from them. When we approach God, what do we wish from Him? We wish that He listens to us, and that He responds to our pleas. He should remove our sins or ignore the sins we committed. We initially start our prayers thinking of this forgiveness quality in God.

We need not wait to reach other worlds to receive his forgiveness. He will forgive all of us here itself. He will remove all our blemishes and protect us. He has that capacity. To show that guna, our scriptures start with the word “Sriyahpathi a:i”. HE is sriyahpathi, husband of Lakshmi Devi, our mother.

Lord Narayana listens to Mother Lakshmi. He does anything to please her and make her happy. Knowing this quality of Lord gives us confidence to approach Lord with courage to offer our prayers. Hence our scriptures start with the word “Sriyah Pathi” which is the most prominent quality in Him.

None of us have seen God with our eyes, even our gurus have not seen God but we still talk about God because Vedas told us about God. Vedas have clearly told that to identify God, He should be Lakshmi na:ttha. To whom ever Lakshmi belongs, only He is God. Hence, scriptures too start with this word “sriyahpathiaai” to indicate that they are bound by the dictums of Vedas and are not a fabrication.

Sriyahpathi is one who is beyond any needs. He doesn’t need to wish for anything from anyone. Hence He is called ava:ptha samastha kamuduSamastha kamudu means one whose desires are fulfilled. A:ptha samastha ka:mudu means one whose all wishes are fulfilled.  Ava:ptha samastha kamudu means the one who has no wishes at all which need to be fulfilled. Lord fulfills everyone’s wishes.

How is that possible? It is possible because he possesses all the gunas. He has all the best gunas, utthama gunas. He has no blemishes. Hence he is the ruler and controller of whole universe. Hence he is called sarve:swaran.

One day, he determined to make Nammalvar a good person. Nammalvar was an ordinary person like us imprisoned in the cycle of births and deaths taking different bodies to experience karma.  Nammalvar himself sang about this in a song ‘ma:ri ma:ri palappirappum pirandu’ So far have taken innumerable births as different species. But the grace of God can do wonders.

With His Grace, Nammalvar composed Thiruvaimozhi. Lord heard this composition with ananda and made it His residence. That is Lords compassion. Will God do so? Rushis saw this quality of God and confirmed.

Where? In Brundavanam. Brundavanam was a place which was filled with thorny bushes, unfit for people or cattle to live. . Brinda means thulasi or thorny plants – It was a thorny forest. Seeing this, Lord made a sankalpa to make the land into a rich green pasture of land. brunda:vanam bhagawatha krushne:na ashthista karmana: Just his sankalpa converted the dry and deserted land into a rich fertile land. Lord did not put any effort. He is suhe:na manasa:  – his manas is good, not polluted. He once thought – ‘gava:m vruddhim abhi:psatha’ let the cows grow well! Let there be green pastures! And Lo! The whole place was filled with abundance.

Just as He showed grace on that place, He graced Nammalvar. “By reaching his feet, my manas got cleaned and I drowned in the ocean of eternal joy”, said Nammalvar in the beginning itself as soon as he surrendered to the lotus feet of Lord.

To get that ananda we need to know the truth. First of all, we need to know what is ananda. For that, we need to know what is thathva. Thathva means – who am I, Why am I here, since how long etc.  God blessed Him to know that thathva. Thathva is only one and doesn’t change but is seen differently by different people. God blessed Nammalvar to see that thathva as is, which is described further in the granttha.

Study well and remember well what you learn and become better persons. Make people around you also better persons. Our mangalasasanams to you all!