HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji along with parivaram graced Charlotte, North Carolina, USA after a span of 6.5 years.

One of the central goals of this trip was to express gratitude to all the supporters of “Statue of Equality” and to invite everyone to the unveiling ceremony of “Statue of Union” in Houston, TX. Swamiji promoted the great Vedic tradition, culture, values and right education to children through “Prajna” transforming knowledge into action (www.Prajna4me.org).

On July 18th, the following activities took place:

1) Theertha Ghosti: Swamiji arrived during the early hours of Tuesday to Smn. Anil Vupputuri ji’s residence in the Charlotte area. On the morning of July 18th, a congregation of 500+ devotees from the Charlotte metro area gathered for Theertha Ghosti, where sacred theertham was provided, and individuals actively participated in seva kalam.

2) Meet n Greet: Swamiji’s arrival electrified the entire place, as he was zealously received by a throng of approximately 300 devoted individuals. The occasion was to recognize the generous donors of the Statue of Equality project, a testament to their unwavering commitment to the cause. Additionally, this event served as a platform to acknowledge and honor the dedicated teachers and volunteers, who were bestowed with prestigious Jeeyar awards for their commendable contributions. Swamiji blessed us with a wonderful slo:ka on being humble and serving the community, which captured the essence of the secret to happiness and what we get by gaining knowledge:

vidya: dada:ti vinayam
vinaya:t ya:ti pa:trata:m
pa:tratva:t dhanam a:pnoti
dhana:t dharmam tatah sukham

The meaning of this slo:ka is profound. Swamiji explained it line by line:

vidya: dada:ti vinayam – When we gain knowledge, we become humble, just as a stalk of paddy grain becomes bent when it is full of grain

vinaya:t ya:ti pa:trata:m – When we are humble, we become a whole, worthy person

pa:tratva:t dhanam a:pnoti – When we are a whole, worthy person, we have the eligibility to earn dhanam, or wealth

It is imperative to note that dhanam does not mean only money; it can mean an abundance of knowledge, resources, and etc.

dhana:t dharmam tatah sukham – When we earn wealth, we do good deeds and serve others. This gives us the ultimate happiness

3) Public event on “Service & Spirituality”: Approximately 400 devotees attended this event

Avadha:nam: Once Swamiji’s trip to Charlotte is finalized, Smt. Rojarani Vupputuri conducted a new class of Sri Vishnusahasra na:mam (SVSN) Avadha:nam with a new cohort of students coming from both Prajna and non-Prajna backgrounds, and she efficiently trained them in SVSN made them as Junior Avadha:nis, within a short span of less than a month, receiving valuable support from Smn. Aravind Swamy.

The Avadha:nam was one of the main highlights of the program, with Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji taking the stage and shedding light on how this practice enhances memory and its potential application in academic pursuits.

Q&A on Service & Spirituality: Swamiji’s Q&A session covered several crucial topics relevant to today’s social media age, such as stress management, perseverance, conflicts, and inspiration. Swamiji’s responses were filled with wisdom and practical examples that resonated with the audience.

1. How to handle stress in times of distress? How to keep calm and stay peaceful?

When it comes to stress management, Swamiji emphasized the importance of understanding the root cause of stress. Stress often arises from not knowing how to approach a situation effectively. To illustrate this, Swamiji used the analogy of trying to fit a peg into a hole without proper alignment. This not only leads to failure but also causes unnecessary pain and frustration. Swamiji advised the audience to seek guidance from experienced elders when facing challenging situations, as their wisdom can provide valuable insights and solutions.

2. When we start a certain endeavor and it is very difficult, and we feel like stopping in the middle, how do we keep persevering? What should we tell ourselves in that situation?

On the subject of perseverance, Swamiji highlighted that the key to staying resilient in the face of failure is having a strong resolve to achieve one’s goals. He compared it to an athlete experiencing muscle pain during training but continuing to push forward because of their unwavering determination to excel in their chosen sport. Swamiji encouraged everyone to recognize that obstacles are a natural part of any journey towards success and to strengthen their determination to overcome them.

3. Conflicts are everywhere and growing. Within families, school or workplace. Lot of arguments happen. What should our mindset be for a positive outcome in the face of conflict?

Swamiji also addressed the issue of conflicts, particularly within families. He pointed out that in the past, larger joint families with experienced elders had an advantage in handling conflicts, which is often missing in today’s nuclear family setup. Conflicts can escalate quickly when both parties are unwilling to listen and insist on being right. Swamiji advised cultivating patience to prevent minor disagreements from turning into major arguments, fostering harmony and understanding within the family.

4. Your story, service, and mindset are very inspiring to all of us. Can you share with us one thing that gives you inspiration to keep doing what you are doing and sharing knowledge with others?

Finally, Swamiji revealed the secret behind the inspiration that fuels all the hard work he and his team do. He attributed it to the thousands of volunteers who tirelessly organize events and the countless people who attend them. Their support and enthusiasm serve as a constant source of motivation for Swamiji and his team to continue their dedicated efforts.

Throughout the Q&A session, Swamiji’s responses were not only insightful but also delivered with a touch of humor, captivating the audience and leaving them wanting more. The event was enlightening, and attendees eagerly anticipated future sessions where they could gain further wisdom and guidance from Swamiji.

Proclamation: The Mayor of Charlotte appreciated the visit of HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji to Charlotte and declared July ’18th as “The Day of Service” for the exceptional services rendered by JET and VT Seva branches in the Charlotte area.

JET and VT Seva Charlotte teams express their sincere gratitude to all the attendees, as the spirit of the program would not have been upheld without their presence and support.

– From the discourse of HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– A Report from JETUSA
– 18thJuly 2023,
– Charlotte, North Carolina.