Swami Nammalwar’s Message

If one understands and implements Swami Nammalwar’s message in life, one will not be affected by the ill impact of kali yuga - the miseries resulting from ego, selfishness, jealousy, anger, narrow-mindedness, bad intentions, lack of focus on the purpose

What should I do to see God?

What did Arjuna do to see God’s viswaru:p, the magnificent universal form? Did he chant or study Vedas? Did he perform severe penance? Did he donate a lot? Did he worship or perform

The Feminine Power

Every year, lakhs of people across the world worship mother Go:da on Her appearance day (Sra:vana month, pu:rva phalguni star and karkata ra:si) and during Dhanurma:sa (Dhanu month as per solar calendar, mid-December to mid-January as per Gregorian calendar).

All about ‘Thank You’ – To whom and why!?

We are all very used to the word, ‘Thank you’! Little kids say, ‘Thank you’ when we gift them toys! Adults say, ‘Thank you’ to their colleagues, friends, bosses every time they feel the gratitude. Sometimes, the word ‘Thank