Ruchi and Suchi

Everyone likes to have a healthy meal that is also tasty. Such a meal requires close attention to including the right ingredients and excluding unnecessary ingredients. The physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual state of a person depends on what

Pride, a Virtue or Vice?

We see some people who are proud of their possessions, contributions, education, beauty, achievements and other accolades. For example, expressions include “I am proud of you, my son!”, “I am proud of my sister for having secured 1st in

Don’t Leave Your Dreams

Each one of us dream of attaining something, big or small. These dreams/goals drive our lives. They fall into four categories. The first category is physical or material gain for quenching the thirst of your body, needs of family and/or

Start with 33 Seconds

Any achievement is a result of focussed work. Are you being distracted? Is your mind interested in something else than your aim? What does our ancient Vedic wisdom say about distractions and solution to overcome them?