Life After Death

For centuries together doctors, scientists, philosophers have been fascinated about life after death. As part of some experiments conducted by research labs across the top universities and research centres around the world, volunteers recorded what near-death experience, or an

Lightning and Life

Nammalwar says, "lightning in the sky is better than the body in this life!" (minnin nilayila mannuir aakkila...) Natural and immediate questions would be, "In what way is lightning better than body?", "Isn't span of lightning much shorter compared to

Don’t Leave Your Dreams

Each one of us dream of attaining something, big or small. These dreams/goals drive our lives. They fall into four categories. The first category is physical or material gain for quenching the thirst of your body, needs of family and/or

Vijaya Dasami – Path to Victory!

Bow and Arrow Show on Vijaya Dasami – What is the target? pranavo: dhanuhu shiro:hyathma: brahma thalakshyamuchyathe: | apramaththe:na ve:ththavyam sharavaththanmayo: bhave:th  || Let’s observe what happens when an arrow is shot towards the target. When it reaches the target,