Don’t Leave Your Dreams

Each one of us dream of attaining something, big or small. These dreams/goals drive our lives. They fall into four categories. The first category is physical or material gain for quenching the thirst of your body, needs of family and/or

A Special Shore for the Soul

Beaches are beautiful vacation spots. Very few of them are picturesque and unbelievably scenic, giving the warmth of a heaven to the body. But sometimes, no matter where you go for a vacation your heart may not feel complete.

Cholesterol and karma

Atherosclerosis is a condition in which walls of arteries have deposits of cholesterol.  This blocks optimal blood flow and causes chest pain. This also increases the risk of heart attack.  Therefore, doctors recommend that we keep cholesterol levels under

A must read – Are you Awake or Asleep?

After a long tiring day, all of us automatically fall asleep. This is a natural response of our bodies. But, what about us? Do we (souls) also fall asleep? What does it mean for a soul to fall asleep?